Severe weather is happening today more than ever. New Year’s Day storms in Kentucky were the deadliest tornado event in the state’s history.  Seven tornadoes with thirty-one counties impacted by the storms, according to the governor’s office.  Damage included 7 landslides, 75 road closures due to flooding and washouts. This was just two weeks after Kentucky was hit with deadly storms! As if dealing with mother nature’s fury isn’t bad enough, there are man-made disasters happening all the time. Chemical spills on highways, trains, and manufacturing plants. 

Outdoor warning sirens are crucial for the safety of the public, but not all areas/locations can be covered fully.   

Emergency Managers are asking for a mobile outdoor warning siren to transport as needed to weather/hazardous events. Federal Signal has designed a Rapid Deployment Trailer to meet their needs. Equipped with a Modulator Omni-Directional Electronic Siren and UltraVoice Electronic Controller with amplifier system, the siren provides live voice and prerecorded messages. Easy setup. Just hitch up the trailer to a medium duty vehicle and off you go.

Good news is if you are fortunate not to experience environmental crisis, the trailer does not have to sit idle. The public address system can be used at local community fairs, farmers markets, flea markets, parades, etc.

Be prepared. Have the tools you need to communicate when you need to.

Request a Quote Today!

Federal Signal Rapid Deployment Trailer
Federal Signal Rapid Deployment Trailer