Industrial Warning Systems

All-In-One Solutions

Innovative Industrial Warning Solutions

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Industrial Disasters

Tornado Warning

Lightning Strikes

Active Shooter

Theft Prevention

Equipment Failure

Medical Emergencies

System Solutions

Indoor & Outdoor Speakers / Strobes

Two-Way IP Communication

Weather Monitoring & Auto Activation of

Alerting System

IP & RF easy-install speakers

Integration with existing hard-wired system

C1D2 Hazardous Location Equipment

PAGA & SIP Phone Communications

Mobile App Access

MODBUS Monitoring & Notification

Panic/Duress Buttons, pendants, & portable tags

Gunshot detection, motion sensors, door prop alarms

Perimeter & environmental monitoring

AED & Fire Extinguisher deployment notifications

Direct-to-Radio Alerting

Lightning Prevention

Lightning Detection & Warning Dissemination

Enhancing Business Resilience:
The Critical Importance of Preparedness and Safety Systems

Disasters and lack of preparedness are costly to businesses. OSHA fines, fires, employee safety, theft, and equipment failure are concerns for every business. Sometimes the difference between life and death is measured in seconds. Delays in action, communication, and response are costly and can be fatal.

What are your concerns?

Need to improve your workflow, ensure ROI, and prevent devastating losses?

Invest in your business by protecting it. Update or augment your existing safety systems to provide assurance you are compliant and ready for action.

Call or email for professional assistance in designing an innovative industrial warning system to meet your needs and budget today!