Safety requires preparation. Being ready for the worst can seem like a pessimistic way to operate through life but having the tools you need should there be an emergency can mean the difference between life and death. We guard our houses with cameras and flood lights. We have anti-theft devices and lock the doors on our vehicle. There are panic buttons to push in office buildings and at schools when an emergency arises.  Often though, we are remiss from having protection on our person. From medical emergencies to unsafe encounters, the importance of a personal protection device, or as we like to refer to it as a Personal Panic Button, can be overlooked.

When there is someone on your team working alone, they may encounter a situation that warrants assistance.  Feeling safe while at work is a right and should be an expectation.  Lone workers often are going to different locations to perform their job.  To prepare for the times when a lone worker does need help, a personal panic button is a great solution.

  The personal panic button can be a badge-like object or a key fob.  Within 2 seconds once activated, a predetermined alert is sent to the appropriate person(s) via methods set up such as a text, a phone call, an email or all of these combined.   In cases where the lone worker or a person being protected is within the same building or area on a regular basis, the alert can go direct to local law enforcement.  And yes, this alert is sent within 2 seconds of the lone worker pushing the button! 

There are protection devices out there that have a bad reputation. Often the devices of the past route their alarms to a third party that will then call 9-1-1 on the client’s behalf with little to no information and will still require dispatch time. On average, dispatch centers across the country have a goal to answer a call, dispatch law enforcement or fire/EMS in under 60 seconds. A minute is not a long time until you’re in a terrifying and life-threatening situation. With these personal protection devices so poorly responded to, manufacturers were determined to find a new solution. Unfortunately, the solution was to create an app for the client’s phone that would contact law enforcement for the client. The fatal flaw with this option is a person’s inability to reach their phone during panicked and dire situations. If you have your phone and can operate an app, why would you not be able to call 9-1-1 on your own behalf? These kinds of apps were not a good replacement for a personal safety device.

Duress alarms have improved! Our system marries the personal duress buttons of the past with the latest app technology, creating a device that can save lives efficiently. On these devices when pressed, the sensor can send an immediate emergency notification directly to first responders. This is unique and means the alert to law enforcement is immediate. The button only needs to remain within 30 yards of your phone for it to operate. Most impressively when the button is activated local law enforcement is notified within 2 seconds. The device includes false activation prevention. Built with a battery that will last 3-5 years and 24/7 sensor monitoring to ensure that your device will be ready should you need to use it.

Safety is not an accident. If you work alone, have employees that work alone, or protection is necessary for a person in a specific location, the personal panic button Capitol Electronics offers is the best way to ensure help is on its way when needed.   Some examples of use include witness protection, protection for federal judges, protection for off duty police officers, lone worker security such as real estate agents, health care workers and any other employee who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from others.