What exactly does the heroic and brave job of a first responder fully entail? Everything.

What do they do?

Anything and everything … really. People call 911 for anything from five-alarm fires to requests for help changing a light bulb, from cardiac arrests to paper cuts, and from bomb threats to petty disagreements. First responders are teachers, doctors, nurses, medics, moms, dads, coaches, counselors, mental health specialists, report takers, problem solvers, crime fighters. They are like human Swiss Army knives. And yet, first responders often consider themselves public servants first and foremost. They often speak of their passion for and dedication to helping their communities.

As leaders in the public safety industry, providing technology solutions to solve problems that first responders face, we have discovered that first responders don’t feel they need new “gadgets” to do their jobs effectively. They are open to new technology, but it needs to be usable, work seamlessly with the technology they already use, and be practical, fulfilling a specific purpose.