Annual inspections are an important step in ensuring your outdoor warning sirens are working properly.
Annual inspections are an important step in ensuring your outdoor warning sirens are working properly.

Capitol Electronics has been a valued partner and manufacturer rep. for Federal Signal Corporation’s Alert Notification Division since YR-2002.  Outdoor warning siren customers ask “what is the best practice for maintaining and servicing sirens?”

Here are a few tips to ensure your sirens are working when you need them:

To minimize the possibility of siren failure, annual inspection(s) and maintenance are desirable. If your siren(s) use batteries, it is recommended to replace them approximately every three to five years. It is important to note, this schedule is only a suggested guideline. It may be necessary to vary the schedule if the siren is used frequently or if it is used in an extreme climate.

Service should be performed by qualified personnel familiar with the siren, associated controls, and power sources being used. The siren has moving parts, high operating currents, explosive gases, and corrosive materials that could cause severe personal injury, electrocution, or death. Before servicing or maintaining, ensure that remote activation cannot occur and disconnect power to the siren and its controls. Federal Signal offers service providers training so they can become an authorized/certified service provider.

As tornado season approaches, it is important to test your siren(s) for proper operation. A good practice is testing at least once a month, possibly even daily. 

Outdoor warning sirens save lives. Take the extra steps to ensure when you need them, your sirens work as intended!