As we move into thunderstorm season, it is important to consider the potential impact of lightning strikes on industrial plants. Lightning strike damage can have serious consequences, including lost production time, damaged equipment, and even employee injury.  

Industrial plants are particularly vulnerable to lightning damage due to their size, complex electrical systems, and high-value equipment. The cost of lightning damage can widely vary depending on the extent of the damage and the type of equipment affected. Lightning strikes can also cause fires, which can result in significant property damage and the potential loss of life. In addition to the cost of repairs and replacement, lightning damage can also result in business interruption, lost revenue, and increased insurance premiums.  

How can industrial plants protect their infrastructures from lightning strike damage? You can install an effective lightning protection system to prevent lightning from striking high-value equipment altogether. The CMCE Lightning Suppressor uses the science of deionization combined with the practice of grounding to prevent lightning before it strikes, essentially camouflaging the protected area. The CMCE device is 100% effective, lightweight, easy to install, operates without power, and protects 500,000 square feet. Plus, it is the only device proven to stop lightning from striking in lab and field tests. 

By installing one or more CMCE Lightning Suppressor, industrial plants can eliminate the risk of lightning strike damage and ensure continuity of operations during storm season.  

Contact our team at [email protected] or call (317) 839-5022 to never worry about the threat of lightning striking again.