Yes, beaches are safe if protected with lightning prevention technology. However, beaches are extremely dangerous if not protected from lightning strikes. 

If your beach is not protected, here are the signs you can look out for to tell a storm is coming: 

  • Look out for towering cumulus clouds, shelf clouds, and wall clouds. These clouds are telltale signs that a storm is coming. Towering cumulus clouds grow and develop vertically, resembling the shape of a cauliflower. Shelf clouds look like shelves in the sky and form at the leading edge of a strong thunderstorm. Wall clouds are large clouds that form low to the ground with a blue-black underside, often bringing tornados. 
  • Look out for unusual cloud movement. It is normal for clouds to move along at an even pace. However, if the clouds become unusually fast, or begin to make a rolling motion within the cloud, a storm is forming nearby. 
  • Look out for temperature changes. If you are sitting on the beach and notice that the temperature suddenly gets colder, especially if it drops drastically, a storm is quickly approaching. 
  • Look out for wind changes. There are two situations to look out for. (1) Strong winds out of nowhere are a major sign that a storm is nearby. (2) When there is suddenly no wind after experiencing a breeze all day, this is known as the “calm before the storm.” 

Although you cannot protect your beaches from strong thunderstorms, you can prevent lightning from striking with CMCE Lightning Prevention. CMCE is designed to prevent lightning strikes from forming by deionizing the electrical field. The CMCE device is 100% effective, lightweight, easy to install, operates without power, and protects 500,000 square feet.  

With over 9,000 customers worldwide and ZERO reported strikes, CMCE is rapidly becoming the preferred technology for lightning protection systems.    

Prevent lightning strikes and protect your community by contacting [email protected].